Monday, January 22, 2018

Losing yourself, and finding a new self along the way

     My entire life I was always told I wasn't pretty enough, or I was too skinny. Middle school and high school scarred me (let's be honest if anybody didn't get scarred in high school, then I'm extremely jealous of you). Being told these things everyday for 6-7 years tore down my confidence. It's not my fault I'm skinny, or my voice is a little too squeaky, or my laugh sounds like a horse (only when I'm super happy, I'm working on that. :P ). But even though I was always told these things, lately I've been really making an effort at ME.

    2017 was a total bitch. I was broken hearted and chose to heal in ways that wasn't even remotely healthy, nor safe. By December I had realized that the only person making me sad anymore was myself. I had become comfortable with misery. I had become used to the idea that I could be put second in relationships, that I was okay with never being enough for somebody, so I'd either change myself for others, or allow them to treat me like poop. I don't even think I understood how exhausted I was because of that. So, I started forcing myself to be uncomfortable by demanding more from myself and those around me. I lost myself, friends, relationships, but I gained a new puppy (Kehlani!! *insert heart eyes here*) and I gained self respect; and damn was self respect hard as hell to gain. Last night I was talking to one of my closest friends and I told her that I was too happy right now; that shit was about to go down because I'm too happy and I know I'm going to subconsciously screw it all up. That TERRIFIES me, because I'm scared it's true. Why can't I let myself be happy? Maybe I'm still used to the misery and a part of me is craving that again. That's what's annoying, no one ever tells you that on a journey to self love, you fall back into old habits knowing full well they're bad/harmful to the progress you've made. So now I'm working overtime to make sure I don't mess this up and I'm even more exhausted.

    Senior year in college, working full time, and on top of that I'm working full time on a "me" I'm happy with. A me that can say "fuck you! I deserve to be a priority, I deserve to be loved so deeply that it shakes me. I deserve that." Something that's hard too is to acknowledge that I really am worth it. I've been beaten down so much, that I'm scared that there's nothing here to love..I'm a shell of a person. So how do I get my soul back? My drive? I sure as hell don't know, but I'll keep you updated along the way. I heard this song called "Lately" but Humble & Blisse the other day and I think it's been on repeat. There's something so nice about listening to slow song that just makes you think. Does that make sense? Check it out, lemme know what you think. In the mean time here's some pictures of my lovable dog and a picture (maybe a few...) of me in my bathroom feeling myself, because self love is important too.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Gluten free can be a bitch.

So about 6 months ago, I went to the doctors to have some tests done. My grandpa has Celiacs and so I was concerned I had it as well; it's genetic you see. After multiple blood tests (all negative) a colonoscopy (I think they made me drink actual poison, y'all) and an endoscopy I was told I didn't have celiacs, crones, or IBS like they thought. Just a severe gluten intolerance that I must treat like celiacs (such a pain!). So I am here to help all us newbies through the process, complain a little (okay, okay, maybe a lot) and show some fun new recipes that are GF (gluten free) and delicious!

This lifestyle is new, and it's difficult to transition to. It's hard to cut gluten out cold-turkey, BUT IT IS POSSIBLE! Let's struggle together, and laugh (maybe cry a little-- I'm a crybaby what can I say). Are y'all willing to go through this journey with me?

Last week I went to a place in Denton, TX called Spiral Diner and Bakery! It was soooo good. Completely Vegan, and they had a separate GF menu (most places do! Just ask your server, sometimes places that have Ziosk's, like Chili's, will have a GF menu on there!). Below I'm drinking a chocolate, banana, and peanut butter milkshake with coconut milk!! Completely lactose free AND gluten free! I was geeking out hard core if you can't tell from my cheesy smile. I'm going back in a few days, I'll try and take more pictures for you guys!

xx, Kinzi

follow me on Instagram for more pictures (of me and my adorable pupper!!) @kinzillane